看護roo!(カンゴルー)国試は、看護師国家試験の過去問を集めたアプリです。第110回〜第95回の問題を収録し、スキマ時間で勉強できるよう整理しています。◆看護roo!(カンゴルー)国試のココがオススメ◆1)16年分の過去問すべてに最新の解説つき2)合否判定付きの看護roo!模試が受験できる3)「分野ごと」「年度ごと」「高正答率のみ」と出題方法もいろいろ1)16年分の過去問すべてに最新の解説つき問題ごと、選択肢ごとに解説を確認でき、「なぜ間違ったのか」の理解につながります。統計の問題などは最新の数値に改変しているため、過去問特有の「昔の数値で覚えてしまう」心配をする必要はありません。2)合否判定付きの看護roo!模試が受験できる国試の本番と同じ問題構成のミニ版模試を定期的に開催!本番さながらの配点・ボーダーライン算出方法で、自分の実力をチェックできます。3)「分野ごと」「年度ごと」「高正答率のみ」と出題方法もいろいろ「ニガテな分野」「絶対に落とせない問題」 など、自分がいまやるべき問題を見つけてチャレンジできます。類似問題にまとめて取り組むことで効率アップ!看護師・看護学生向け総合サイト「看護roo!(カンゴルー)」が、看護学生の勉強に役立つようにと、このアプリを作りました。このアプリを使った人が、一人でも多く看護師になって活躍できるよう願っています。使っていて不便なところ、勉強中にあったら便利な機能などございましたら、ぜひご連絡ください。【ご意見・ご要望・不具合などのご連絡はこちら】
[email protected]【国家試験情報はこちら】https://www.kango-roo.com/kokushi/Nursing roo! (Kangoru) National Examination is an application that collects past questions of the Nursing National Examination.The 110th to 95th questions are recorded and organized so that you can study in your free time.◆ Nursing roo! (Kangoru) National examination here is recommended ◆1) With the latest commentary on all past questions for 16 years2) Nursing roo with pass / fail judgment! You can take a mock exam3) There are various questioning methods such as "by field", "by year", and "only high correct answer rate".1) With the latest commentary on all past questions for 16 yearsYou can check the explanation for each problem and each option, which will help you understand "why you made a mistake".Since statistical problems have been changed to the latest numbers, there is no need to worry about "remembering old numbers", which is peculiar to past questions.2) Nursing roo with pass / fail judgment! You can take a mock examWe regularly hold mini-version mock exams with the same question structure as the actual national exam!You can check your own ability with the point allocation and borderline calculation method just like the actual performance.3) There are various questioning methods such as "by field", "by year", and "only high correct answer rate".You can find and challenge the problems that you should do now, such as "negative fields" and "problems that you can never drop".Increase efficiency by tackling similar problems together!"Nursing roo!", A comprehensive site for nurses and nursing students, has created this app to help nursing students study.I hope that as many people as possible who use this app can become nurses and play an active role.If you find it inconvenient to use, or if you have any useful functions while studying, please feel free to contact us.[Click here for opinions, requests, problems, etc.]
[email protected][Click here for national examination information]https://www.kango-roo.com/kokushi/解説の内容を一部修正しました。軽微なUIの修正を行いました。