Jalsa Salana (Urdu: جلسہ سالانہ, English: Annual Gathering) is the formal annual gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The Promised Messiah, Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him), established this event with the following purposes:1. To increase ones connection with Allah the Almighty,2. To pray for those brothers who have passed away,3. To meet new members and increase Brotherhood, and4. To gain and increase knowledge.The Jalsa Salana spans three days, beginning Friday after the Jumu`ah prayer. The program starts with a flag-hoisting ceremony and a silent prayer. Although Ahmadies attend a central, international Jalsa from across the world, many countries also hold their own national Jalsa, sometimes attended by the Hadrat Khalifatul Masih (may Allah be his guide and helper).This mobile application is the official source of information for Jalsa Salana USA. It provides the following features:* Interactive Program Schedule* Memorial for the Deceased* Interactive Meal Survey* Announcements* Jalsa Administration Contact