What happen to this app? Was such a good working app, now you have all kinds of adds popping up. The last thing I want on a kosher music app is for it to feel like YouTube
JewishMusic.fm - Streaming App at Google Play market analyse
Estimation application downloads and cost
What happen to this app? Was such a good working app, now you have all kinds of adds popping up. The last thing I want on a kosher music app is for it to feel like YouTube
Every time I tap on anything an add pops up. Before I even get to type anything.
2022 update: JewishMusic.fm used to advertise themselves as a sampling site to hear the album before you buy. Every song/ album had a direct buy link etc. It was designed not to be used as a music app. Now they are marketing it as the Spotify for Heimishe Yiden. The app got a major overhaul, it's finally user friendly as a music app, however annoying ads where introduced. The ad free version is ยฃ6/monthly- very reasonable price, would it have more of the latest albums released in the last 10 yrs
Great app
Worst app ever with ads used to be good now it's a disaster
Too many ads popping up
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