App with widgets for italian train timetables, realtime trains tracking and moreβ Includes trains of Trenitalia, Trenord, NTV Italo and some others
App for italian train timetables- Search timetable- Search train by number- Search station- Social function to share additional informations about trains - Alarms- Ticket Price- Buy the ticket from the app or browser- View last purchased tickets- Change reservation- Realtime delays- Save timetables for offline use- Nearest stations- Map of stations- Strikes news- FS News- Twitter @LeFrecce- Share timetables via sms/email/etc.- Share a train with its delay
Timetable Widgetthe timetable on your Home with delay in realtimeavailable sizes are 2x1, 2x2 e 3x3
Train Widgetto have realtime infos of a train
Station WIdgetalways see what trains are leaving from the station
Starred Train Widgetsuseful to be updated on your starred trains
β ContactsGmail:
[email protected]: @OrarioTreniApp
β DisclaimerThis application is NOT affiliated with Trenitalia s.p.a.All data is provided as is with all faults, and without warranty of any kind