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Voicemail Saver at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: Diana Zegretti & Arles Carballo
Price: $ 3.99
Current version: 1,000+, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: 2 Mb
4.2 ( 7152 ratings )

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~ $ 900
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Do you have a personal or business voicemail that you need to save but your carrierā€™s system keeps asking you to delete voicemails to make room for more?If so, we have created the Voicemail Saver to work with your Androids Visual Voicemail so that you can save your voicemails Privately. If you do not have visual voicemail and you have to call in to your service to hear your voicemails, then follow these steps:ACCESSIBILITY: Go to your phoneā€™s settings (gear icon) and click it. Then stroll down and click ACCESSIBILITY. Once in accessibility, stroll down and look either for INSTALLED SERVICES OR INSTALLED APPS and click it. Then look for VOICEMAILSSAVER RECORDER and click it. TURN ON VOICEMAILSSAVER RECORDER.You are now ready to record using our voice recorder. Call your service either on speaker phone or without speaker phone on (try both to choose the better sound quality), listen to your voicemail, and hang up once the voicemail is done. When you hang up, a POP-UP window will show up that will give you the ability to name the voicemail. Click okay and your voicemail is saved in the Voicemailsaver.Watch this video that demonstrates how to save your voicemails using visual voicemail as well as demonstrating the use of ACCESSIBILITY to be able to save your voicemails in case you do not have visual voicemail and you have to call into your service. https://youtu.be/ZjHP_XYa4BQFor iOS, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dV8Viout9G0Remember, if you lose your phone or upgrade to a new one, just download the Voicemail Saver to your new phone, sign in with your email address and your password and voila! Your voicemails are there!NEW FEATURE: Picture and Video Upload!Voicemail Saver customers can now save Pictures and Videos to the Voicemail Saver PRIVATELY! All pictures and videos are encrypted - not even Google can see your pictures or videos, only you. Even we cant see them! Your privacy is our top priority.PICTURE AND VIDEO UPLOADING PRICING:For only $19.95 per year, customers can upload their pictures and videos privately (encrypted) and have them at their fingertips with Biometrics using facial or fingerprint recognition. Most iPhone owners pay $10.00 per month to store pics and videos. Our charge is only once per year.Invite all of your friends from your social media accounts using our "Invite" feature. They will thank you for the invite.PRICE INFORMATION: We charge $3.99 for the download, encrypt all information, and create your own app. You then have 3 free days to play with the app. If you decide to keep the app, the system will charge you $4.99 ONCE PER YEAR. Please email, call, or text us if you have any questions.VoiceMailSaver@gmail.comwww.Voicemailsaver.net305-505-1500305-992-5783The VoicemailSaver is Patent Pending.- Added recorder feature- Fixed bugs

Signed up using the same username and password I always do, but was never able to sign in. This app is a scam.

Works great. Very responsive to any questions by talking to you by phone. Awesome app to have!!

This app allowed me to save family voicemails that were very important. Their team is top notch. Thank you.

This app does not do what it says

This app did not help me save my voice mail at all, only works on visual voice mail app messages, not on older messages your phone carrier saves. App is also misleading by charging you $3.99 to download, harvesting all your information first, then you have to pay another $3.99 or more annually to use it. Also there chat option for help is a joke. Didn't work. Note: if you can transfer ur voice mails to there app/storage u can just as easily transfer them to any cloud storage for free. Refunded

The app is great! The customer service is excellent. I downloaded this app because I switched phones and my older visual voicemails did not transfer. I was freaking out because they were voice mails left by my mom. I forgot the man's name, but he helped me fix the issue with my phone and helped me saved my voicemails onto the app. He was very patient and I'm forever grateful. Thank you very much. Yadi.


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