Want to translate IP Widget into your language? Contact me:
[email protected] IP Widget showing the mobile carrier name and ip or the wireless lan SSID and wireless lan ip address. Features:- No Ads- Select which information to display- Configure background, text size, text color and text opacity- Battery saving: No polling of ip information. The widget gets informed via the system when something changes.- Show local ip address of device (mobile, wifi, bluetooth, USB, ethernet)- Show external ip address (optional)- Show reverse hostname (optional)- Show wifi speed- Show wifi channel and frequency- Show type of mobile connecton (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, 4G...)- Display informations about connection in notification area(optional)- Action configurable when tapping the widgets/notification (open wifi settings, toggle wifi [on/off], open IP Widget settings, refresh widget content manualy)- Supports connections via Bluetooth tethering, USB tethering (eg. HTC Sync)- Logging events to ipwidget.log on your SD card, optionally, with customizable output- Lockscreen Widget support for Android 4.2+- Offline notification (beta)- Wifi tethering on/off (beta)- Enable/disable flight mode (not available on Android 4.2+)- Set alias for BSSID - Saves external ip address for each BSSID alias (as Dynamic DNS replacement)- Show Geo-IP city & country- IPv6 support- Available languages: -- english-- german-- spanish (by Fernando)-- italian (by Stefano Meroni)-- russian (by Igor Tropin, Oleg Barbos)-- turkish (by Canan Özen)-- polish (by Romuald Jackowski, Adam Starszak)-- svenska (by Göran Helsingborg)-- traditional chinese, simplified chinese (by Denny Su)-- persian (by Mohsen Mirhoseini)-- french (by Ozzii, toorzilla_)-- serbian (by Ozzii)-- portugese (by Bruno Xavier Lopo de Souza)-- bulgarian (by Stefan Stefanov)-- croatian (by Marijan Smetko)-- dutch (by Vincent Riebroek)-- indonesian (by SOLEH MARGIONO)-- romanian (by Florin German)-- bangla (by Md Monsur Alam https://fb.com/MdMonsurAlamid)-- hungarian (by Egyed Ferenc)-- koreanideas? issues?Write me an e-mail:
[email protected] Geolocation by DB-IPFAQ- Why are Channel & frequency not shown?Since Android 6, the location permission is needed to scan for wifi networks around. This is the only way to get the current channel and the frequency. (also see the discussion in the Google Issue Tracker: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=185370)Your location will not been detected nor transfered at any time.List of PermissionsFULL INTERNET ACCESS - Required to get external ip address. If this feature is disabled, no data connection will be establishedREAD PHONE STATUS AND IDENTITY- Detect the type of mobile connection (GPRS, EDGE, HSDPA...)CHANGE WI-FI STATUS- Wifi toggleVIEW WI-FI STATUS- get SSIDVIEW NETWORK STATUS- get local ip addressMODIFY/DELETE USB STORAGE CONTENTS OR MODIFY/DELETE SD CARD CONTENTS- for writing ipwidget.log on the SD Card (if activated)CONTROL VIBRATION- Notifications vibrationRUN AT STARTUP- Show notifications after boot when notifications without widget is activated