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Name days Pro at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Developer: Peter Nemec
Price: 0 free
Current version: 10,000+, last update: 2 years ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: 0 Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

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Application for notifying you of name days, birthdays and other dates with unique features and amazing customization options. - application won 3rd place in the competition Android Code 2016 in the "Slovak applications" category- Slovak, expanded Slovak, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, German, Austrian and French calendars with public holidays- simultaneously evaluates two calendars, for example Slovak and Czech- Slovak and Czech calendars contain homely names of first names too (called aliases in application)- choice of contacts for evaluation by accounts/groups- you can add your own aliases to first names- you can add names into calendar- meaning and characteristics of Slovak first names from base SK calendar, for Czech names the application can show meaning and characteristics of the Slovak equivalents. You can add you own meaning and characteristics of all first names.- you can insert other relevant dates into calendar (wedding anniversary, ...)- a unique function "Not found contacts" is included. The application searches for the contacts which it cannot find name days for. By adding an alias or added name it solves the problem.- when the application finds the name day of contact incorrectly, you can mark it as incorrectly found for the specific calendar, date and name- notification of events (namedays and birthdays of contacts) in the status bar- an overview of the following events- 6 types of widgets,four of them with amazing customization options + 1 widget for thoughts for the heart- material design, 12 optional colours of application, light, dark and white theme- adjusted for mobile and tablet screens in both orientations- predefined wishes (in Slovak, Czech, English ang German language). You can add your own wishes.- sending wishes by text message, email or chat. You can directly call the contact or create a calendar event.- thoughts for the heart (quotations). They are displayed on tab NAMES and new configurable widget.- localization in Slovak, Czech, English and German language- new version 4 runs on Android 4.1 and higher A detailed description and manual can be found on the application website http://www.ipndata.sk/mam (for now only in Slovak language, we will translate it)!!! Although the app has access to sensitive data on your device, it does not have any permission to send that data from your device !!! !!! The application is available only on Google Play store. If you install it from other sources, you risk an attack by malicious code !!!Before you buy Pro version you can try an app by installing free testing version https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.ipndata.meninyamenafreeVersion 4.34.001- bug fix in french calendar

Aj keď vlastnosti PRO snáď ani nevyuzijem, rád podporím autora takto výbornej aplikácie.

Aplikácia funguje presne ako má. Týmto chcem poďakovať autorovi za skvelú podporu a promtné vyriešenie problémov.

vobec nesmútim za par penci. len tak dalej developer! chceme black mode. biela vypaluje oci a zerie baterku. Posielam to friends nech kúpia tiež.

hoci freeverzia funguje pro widget padne s chybou :(

Mám zakúpenú pro verziu, avšak nikde nemôžem nájsť widget, čím aplikácia stráca opodstatnenie. Používam android 4.2.1

Opravene. Mal som 3 widgety z kazdeho po update ale po preinstalovani vsetko ok

Nepovažujem to za chyby ale ak si nastavim prehliadny wigdet a vypnem datum uz ho nejde potom konfigurovat musim ho odstranit a na novo pridat.

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