This app contains the Anatomy Topics in Focus Lecturesâ˘The Skull foramina and their contents â˘Horners versus an Oculomotor Lesion â˘The Visual Pathways â˘The Eye Movements â˘The Pupillary Light Reflex â˘The Near Reflex â˘The Cortical Control of the Cranial Nerves â˘Localising Facial Nerve Lesions â˘An Algorithm for Determining the Nerve Supply of Muscles in the Head â˘The Parasympathetic Supply of the Head â˘The Rules and exceptions in the Head and Neck â˘The Types of Ganglia â˘Accommodation & Pupillary Constriction â˘The Chorda Tympani â˘The Greater Petrosal Nerve â˘The Lesser Petrosal Nerve â˘The Principles of "Hitchhiking" of Autonomic Nerves on Cranial Nerves â˘Tabulated Parasympathetic Pathways in the Head â˘The Sympathetic Connections between the Spinal Cord and Sympathetic Chain â˘The Sympathetic Chain in the Neck â˘The Sympathetics to the Pupil and Levator Palpebrae Superioris â˘The Cranial Nerves from the Brain to Foramina â˘The Cranial Nerve Nuclei and Fibres â˘Abdominal Autonomics and Referred Pain â˘The Flexor Retinaculum and Carpal Tunnel â˘The Inguinal Canal â˘The Brachial Plexus â˘Abduction of the shoulder â˘The Blood Supply of the Heart â˘The Surface Markings in the Thorax â˘The Vertebral Levels of Structures â˘The Blood Supply of the Stomach â˘The Foramina of the Base of the Skull from Below â˘An alternative aide memoir for the Skull Foramina â˘Dermatomes: An Overview â˘The Autonomic Connections in the Head â˘The bones of the Hand and the Foot THE AUTHOR: Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he now teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to first-year medical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. He also teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological and other speciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.bug fixes