If you are an app developer you will know the problem. You start an app but require many different icons, in different sizes (ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi), different colors, and different variants. If you get the icons as vector (.svg) or there are many changes over the time, you will always have to get the correct drawables again.This consumes a lot of time!Now theres an easy, fast, and small solution for this! The Iconics library.This library allows you to include vector icons everywhere in your project. No limits are given. Scale with no limit, use any Color at any time, provide a contour, and many additional customizations...Use the icons in the variation you need them.What do you get- No customization limitations (size, color, contour, background, padding, positioning, ...)- Shadow support- One icon source (no more mdpi, hdpi, ...)- Flexibility - Size - Colors - Contour - Shadow- If it takes an Drawable, it will also work with the IconicsDrawable!- Save in APK sizeAlready available fonts- Material Icons- FontAwesome- Material Design Icons- Meteocons- Octicons- Community Material Icons- Weather Icons- Typeicons- Entypo- Ionicons- Foundation Iconshttps://github.com/mikepenz/Android-IconicsIf you are an app developer you want to know the trouble. You start an app but require many different icons in different sizes (LDPI, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi), different colors, and different variants. If you get the icons as vector (SVG) or there are many changes over the time, you will always have to get the correct Drawables again.This Consumes a lot of time!Now theres an easy, fast, and small solution for this!The Iconics library.This library Allows you to include vector icons everywhere in your project. No limits are given. Scale with no limit, use any color at any time, Provide a contour, and many additional customizations ...Use the icons in the variation you need them.What do you get- No customization limitations (size, color, contour, background, padding, positioning, ...)- Shadow support- One source icon (no more mdpi, hdpi, ...)- Flexibility - Size - Colors - Contour - Shadow- If it takes at Drawable, it therefore wants to work with the IconicsDrawable!- Save in APK sizeAlready available fonts- Material Icons- FontAwesome- Material Design Icons- Meteocons- Octicons- Community Material Icons- Weather Icons- Type Eicon- Entypo- Ionicons- Foundation Iconshttps://github.com/mikepenz/Android-Iconics