File Converter will convert from and to almost every file format while saving you time and battery.Use our file conversion app to convert Audio, E-book, Video, 3D Models, Document, Presentation, CAD drawings, Image, LaTeX, Fonts, Spreadsheets, Gerber PCB and even Metadata from over 2000 source formats! šThe File Converter app converts files in the cloud so your battery isnt wasted, you can continue using your device and your conversions will be much faster.Possible output formats:ā¢ For Ebooks we support Amazon Kindle (AZW), Open eBook (ePub), DOCX, Fictionbook (FB2), Sony Portable reader (LRF), Mobipocket (MOBI), Palm Desktop (PDB), Psion (TCR) and of course HTML, TXT, PDF and LIT. And as an extra we support DJVU, OEB, PML, RB, RTF and SNBā¢ Video is supported to MPEG-4 (MP4), the WebM VP8 format, Windows Media Video (WMV), Matroska Video (MKV) and the formats AVI, FLV, OGV, MOV, 3DS and 3GPā¢ Images can be converted to the famous PNG, JPG, Bitmap (BMP) and GIF or the newer WebP and EXR. Also vector graphics like SVG, EPS, Tiff, ICO, TGA and WBMPā¢ Conversion to audio is supported for the well-known MP3, Wave (WAV), Lossless Flac and lesser known OGG, AAC, WMA, OPUS, AIFF, MMF and M4Aā¢ Convert documents to Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX), Open-Office ODT, PowerPoint Presentations (PPT and PPTX) and of course Flash (SWF), HTML, PDF, RTF and textā¢ Convert presentations to ODP, PDF, PPSX, PowerPoint PPT, PPTX, SWF and UOPā¢ The Markup converter supports TEX, Markdown (MD), reStructuredText (TEXT), Textile, AsciiDoc, Word Docx, E-book ePub and of course HTML, INFO, PDF, TEXI, WIKI, PPTX and RTFā¢ Convert 3D models to STL, Collada DAE, FBX, Iges IGS, Step STP, VRML WRL / X3D, and StepZ STPZ. Also support for 3DS, BRP, CTM, OBJ and imagesā¢ Compress your files to 7Z zip, the Unix TAR BZ2 or TAR GZ, auto extracting EXE, RUN, ZIP and moreā¢ Spreadsheet converter for CSV, ODS, OTS, PDF, UOS, XLS and Excel XLSXā¢ Engineering CAD drawings to DWG, DXF, SVG and PDF or imagesā¢ Convert gps tracks to CSV, GDB, GPX, HTML, KML and KMZ. We also support LOC, NMEA, SDF, TCX, TRK, TXT, USR, WPT and just XLS / XLSXā¢ A hash can be generated for an Apache Htpasswd or DES, MD5, RIPE, SHA, Adler and way moreā¢ The LaTeX / ConTeXt converter supports PDF, TEX and DOCXā¢ Convert fonts to BIN, CFF, DFONT, EOT and FON. We also support OTF, PFA, PFB, PS, PT3, SVG, T11, T42, TTF, TTF.BIN, WOFF and WOFF2ā¢ Convert Gerber PCB files to CNC, GBR, ISEL or PDFā¢ Subtitles can be converted to LRC, SCC, SRT, SUB and of course USFā¢ Last but not least you can extract Metadata and EXIF information or delete the metadata!We also have a color palette, texture, mesh, embroidery, statistics, playlist, web and sheet music converter! So what can be done with all of this?ā¢ Extract music šµā¢ Video to animated GIF š¬ā¢ Text to audio: listen to an ebook / audio book (text to speech, tts) š§ā¢ Raster image to vector š·ā¢ PDF to Word šā¢ Convert RAW files š·ā¢ Extract text from images (OCR) šā¢ Create ringtones and cut audio š§ā¢ Optimize for mobile devices š±ā¢ Password protect PDF šā¢ ..much more šFile editingBesides all these features our online File Convert app supports:ā¢ Video conversion: codec, rotate, trim, stabilize, etc.ā¢ Audio conversion: bitrate, frequency, etc.ā¢ Ebook conversion: title, e-book reader: Kindle, Sony, Apple iPad, Kobo, Nook, tablet and way moreā¢ CAD drawing: color, scale, fit, etc.ā¢ Images conversion: quality, size, etc.ā¢ Documents conversion: OCR (text recognition), etc.ā¢ Spreadsheet conversion: OCR, etc.Other file converter featuresā¢ Convert from URL / websiteā¢ Convert between categoriesā¢ Stable, secure and fast conversionsNotesā¢ We cant convert secured PDF/ZIP and DRM files.- Added more conversions!- Increased conversion engine speed- Improved batch converting