Really Fast and SimpleMonas is the easiest and the fastest way to manage money. It is really fast in data entry. If you find it can be faster, then please send us an email. This is what we really need in money manager apps.Data Sync in Real TimeSync your data over multiple devices in real time. Its really good if you have multiple devices such as tablet and smartphone or managing family expenses with your partner.Daily Automatic BackupYour data will be saved to local daily, and we will never worry about losing our data again. Guess what, its FREE (Located in sdcard/monas)No Ads and FreeMonas for Android will not have ads, and most features are free.Intuitive StatisticsThe reports in statistics are really intuitive and also beautifully designed. Colorful CategoriesAdd your categories with thousand of colors.Budgeting ExpensesBudgeting your expense to keep in touch and save your money. You can sort your budget by status, category, or amount.Unlimited Possibilities of RecurrenceAdd your recurring income or expense in many possibilities, such as daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, yearly, until a date, for a number of times, you name it. SecureTo keep your data safe, we provide lock pattern for free.Data ManagementNever losing your data with backup and restore, also export to CSV and import from CSVThis is the right time to know where your money is going with an awesome and beautiful app, Monas. If you find yourself short of cash by the end of the month, pay your monthly bills, or you have not put any money towards saving or investments yet, you might start to think where does my money go? With this beautiful money assistant, you can manage your money in the simplest way and straightforward.This app has been built with goal in mind, to give you the most straightforward and fast personal finance management. You can manage your money in no time. Permissions Explained1. In App PurchasesIts pretty clear to support the development and unlocking premium features2. IdentityIdentity is used to manage sync account, its almost impossible to give synchronization feature without this permission. Also with this permission, the app can perform really well and save battery in synchronization3. Photo/Media/FilesIts nothing to do with photo and media. Its used to save the backup file in the memory so we can restore it back when we need it. Its important for daily automatic backup.4.Others - Full network access : its pretty clear to connect to the internet- Run at startup : Its used for sticky notification so we dont need to always restart the app to enable sticky notification. If you uncheck it, it will not run at startup. ------Update : now we have a community in Google+, ask any question or request a feature -------Copyright 2014. MyMonas.comfixed dark mode on sticky notification