Islamic economic law is a science that studies economic problems inspired and based on Islamic values. The Islamic economic system is different from the patterns of capitalism and socialism. different from capitalism, it opposes exploitation by capital owners of poor workers, and prohibits accumulating wealth, apart from that, economics and the Islamic perspective are demands for life as well as recommendations that have the dimension of worship. This book is very important for every group involved in economic activities, especially entrepreneurs, as well as students, economic observers and the public.And among the contents it also discussesEconomic Activities from an Islamic ViewIslamic economics is a science that studies various economic problems based on Islamic values. In the economic concept of Muslim scholars, it is rooted in Islamic law which originates from the Koran and the hadith of the Prophet. The Al-Quran and the hadith of the Prophet as guides for Muslims have universal reach and governing power. This means that it covers all aspects of human life and is always ideal for the past, present and future. One proof in actual life, for example, is the reach and power of organization in the human economy.In economics and other sciences, Islamic studies cannot be separated, with the aim of guiding humans on the straight path (shirat al mustaqim). Economics in the Islamic view is a guide to life. Scholars consider human welfare to be the end result of the long interaction of a number of economic factors and other factors, such as moral, social, demographic and political. Economic activity is a recommendation that has the dimension of worship. As proof that Allah SWT said, "we made the day to earn a living". (QS. An – Naba: 11). And narrated by Abdullah, Rasulullah SAW. stated, "Strive to obtain life in a halal way, is an obligation after the obligation to pray" (Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, 1991:13).Based on the expressions of the Quran and hadith, it clearly shows that wealth (material wealth) is a very important part of the lives of Muslims. Thus, it can be said that Islam does not want its people to live in backwardness and economic backwardness, in line with the expression, truly disbelief is close to disbelief (Al - Hadith).However, Islam does not want its adherents to become economic machines that give birth to a culture of materialism (hedonism). Economy in the Islamic view is not merely material in nature, but more than that, greed for wealth and an attitude of prioritizing mere material things is highly reprehensible and disliked by Allah SWT.Economic activity in Islam aims to:Fulfilling someones daily needs simply; Meeting family needs; Meet long-term needs; Providing for the needs of the families left behind; Providing social assistance and donations according to the way of Allah SWT. (Muhammad Nejatullah Siddiqi, 1991: 15). For example: giving donations to orphans, the poor, etc.In the field of economic activity, Islam provides legal guidelines/rules, which generally exist in outline form. This is intended to provide opportunities for the development of economic activities in the future (because Islamic sharia is not limited to space and time).