The Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui, one of the first hospitals in Lebanon, was founded in 1927 by father Joseph Selwan Geitaoui. The hospital administration was entrusted by the founder to the Congregation of the Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family established by Patriarch Elias El Hoyek in 1895. As a multidisciplinary care hospital, the Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui is a religious non-profit hospital with mission to treat all patients without any exception regardless of race, class or creed. It is a Church property, a Wakf, and benevolently is administrated. The medical body is carefully selected and acts as a liberal profession.The board of directors is headed by Mother Gabrielle Bou Moussa, Superior General of the Maronite Sisters. Sister Hadia Abi Chebli and Doctor Pierre Yared assume the general management. Since its foundation, the Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui has been a pioneer in providing state-of-the-art investigation and treatment technologies, such as:1969: first hemodialysis equipment in Lebanon1981: first CT scanner imaging center in Lebanon1988: first lithotripsy center in Lebanon1992: first center in Lebanon for the seriously burnt1996: cardiac catheterization unit for pediatrics and neonatology 2006: acquisition of a MDCT scanner with a sophisticated software for the diagnosis of cardio-vascular pathologies2007: addition of 42 beds and opening of an underground parking2009: inauguration of two new services2010: launching the scheduled expansion and development of the hospital with the construction of a new eight-story building with patients rooms, a new hemodialysis center, a new operating block with central sterilization, a new and better equipped pharmacy, a modern archiving center, a conference hall and a second underground parking.The hospital activity is oriented towards strategic hubs for medical activities and extensive surgery:General and all specialties surgeryGeneral and internal medicine for all medical specialties including oncologyConventional and interventional cardiologyMother – Child, with the Department of Obstetrics, Neonatology and PediatricsA center for the severely burnt as a reference center for taking in charge such patientsPara clinical examinations especially medical imaging and interventional radiology The Lebanese Hospital Geitaoui encompasses 175 beds allocated as follows:Surgery/Medicine: 70 beds (palliative care beds included) Resuscitation/Intensive care: 8 bedsAmbulatory surgery: 17 bedsChemotherapy: 12 bedsBurn victims center: 12 bedsHemodialysis center: 12 machinesMaternity: 10 bedsPediatrics: 16 beds Neonatology: 3 incubatorsThe key services are:Hospitalization services: 5 unitsOperating room: 4 rooms + 1 room in the third-degree-burns centerInterventional cardiology: 1 roomBronchoscopy: 1 roomGastric endoscopy – colonoscopy- ERCP- Ph- metric : 2 roomsPhysical Therapy and functional rehabilitation with out-patient servicesDiagnostic and interventional radiology with T 64 Scanner and MRIMedical analysis laboratoryBlood bankEmergency department open 24 hoursUrodynamicsLithotrityEEGStress test, Holter monitorHemodialysis and peritoneal dialysisUpdated the url from http to https
Sarah Sarieddine
2 years ago
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