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[email protected] 앞으로도 편리한 모바일 쇼핑몰이 되기 위하여 최선을 다하겠습니다.감사합니다.With a heart that longs for ten, ten! Anyone 10% discount + 10% accumulation!Now, 24 hours a day, meet the 10% & 10% benefits in the Home & Shopping app!1) Automatically applied 10% instant discount without coupon!Get an instant 10% discount on every purchase with no limit on the number of purchases.2) 10% automatic accumulation of broadcasting and Tenten+ products!10% of the purchase amount will be automatically credited.3) Chance to win in just one dayMeet Haru Chance products at MD Pick[Major Information on Mobile App Features]1) 10% discount and 10% accumulation at Tenten+! And relay benefits all at once!: Continue to achieve NEW relay with Tenten+.2) When you want to buy in advance before the broadcast, or when you miss the broadcast! It is always available for purchase on the schedule!: You can purchase directly from the schedule at any time without waiting for the broadcast time!3) Meet recommended products just for you!: Even if you dont have a hard time finding a product, Home & Shopping will show you recommended products that reflect your taste!4) Show your love! gift-giving service: You can present Home&Shopping products as long as you know the contact information without entering the recipients address!5) Enjoy shopping in real-time live and video! Pang TV: You can now shop while communicating in real-time even on mobile.[App Access Permission Agreement] In accordance with the enforcement of Article 22-2 (Agreement on Access Rights) of the Information and Communications Network Act,We will guide you on the necessary access rights as follows. [Required access rights] - Device information and app record permission: App service optimization and error check [Optional access rights]- Camera: Upload photos and videos for product reviews/inquiries- Photo: Upload product review/inquiry photo and video- Microphone: Search service voice recognition- Biometric information: login- Address Book: Sending a gift, importing contacts- Location information: Use the location information function of the terminal In the case of Android versions below 6.0, individual consent for each access item is not possible, so access to all items is mandatory.※ The Home & Shopping app only works with Android OS version 4.1 or higher.To provide smooth service, we recommend updating to Android OS version 4.1 or higher if possible.※ If the update button is not activated or the app is not installed,Please download again after Settings-Applications-Google Play Services-Storage-Clear cache and data.Home & Shopping Customer Center 080-840-1111▶ Report any inconvenience or error related to using the app:
[email protected] We will do our best to become a convenient mobile shopping mall in the future.thank you. ■ 일부 코드 개선으로 앱 안정성이 향상 되었습니다. 홈&쇼핑은 고객님의 편리하고 안전한 쇼핑을 위해 항상 노력 하겠습니다.