HINP enables you to view photos and messages from social networks like Twitter, Flickr, 500px, and VKontakte on a map. Select any place on the map and find out what is happening there, no matter whether the place is next door or on the other side of the planet. Prepare for your trip, feel nostalgic and recall romantic places, learn news first hand directly from the epicenter of events.Applicationâs primary features:⢠Viewing photos from social networks on a map (displays photos and messages with geo tags)⢠Finding location by address⢠Two map types - Google Maps and Open Street Maps⢠Translating messages from over 40 languages⢠Favorites for quickly finding your favorite locations⢠Finding messages by text, hash tag or publication date⢠Sharing found photos⢠Viewing photos as cards or as a gallery⢠Jumping to native applications or social network websites directly from photo cards Supported social networks:⢠Twitter⢠VKontakte⢠Flickr⢠500px You can use HINP for:⢠Finding new friends nearby⢠Visiting the most amazing places on the planet without leaving home⢠Previewing places to be traveled⢠Revisiting places you keep thinking about⢠Getting news from eyewitnesses⢠Following the development of developing events.Use HINP in any way you like and share your findings with us!