Quick and easy timekeeping with fixed or changing working hours! Also usable as roster! Just choose your shift/worktime, morning, regular or late and tap the corresponding day. Enter your overtime hours and youll immediately see your total working hours, +/- overtime (minus breaks) for the day and the month respectively in the calendar view. With our unique app you can create your whole shift pattern/worktimes in less than a minute. No app can beat this. Unique features: - Free editable templates. - Single tap to add or delete calendar entries. - Double tap to switch shift entries/worktimes - Option to add notes to any calendar day- public holidays for 38 countries- week number- calculations for total working hours- daily entry of overtime- Display for total working hours, +/- overtime (minus breaks) for the day and the month respectively in the calendar view-Display for existing total - overtime account, with the help of the entered +/- overtime hours with the status open, meaning the overtime hours that have not been calculated or paidoptional:- export of services and calculations as PDF-file- matching of your services in your device calendar (manual and automatic)- automatically add recurring shift cycles- automatically delete of shifts- additional entries in calendar for second shift (double shift)- Online Backup/Restore- password protection- planning of holidays/vacation/trips- color coding and abbreviation display for shifts-fix issue, when plus overtime or pause not saved