Enjoy clear, direct sound without reverberation and background noise in more than 2000 churches, theatres, cinemas, congress halls and meeting rooms.The «Hearingloop» app displays the nearest locations with listening facilities on a Google Maps map using the GPS antenna. If a marker symbol is selected on the map, a detailed window will appear, providing helpful details such as room plans and instructions for using the listening system. More than 2000 churches, theatres, cinemas, congress halls and various multi-purpose rooms across Swiss municipalities have wireless listening systems that send clear, direct sound to people with a hearing aid or using borrowed headphones and receivers. The direct sound from the microphone or audio system remains clear over long distances, without reverberation and background noise. The app represents a commitment by the IGGH, the Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. IGGH cooperates with pro audito societies and forom écoute to update the hearing loop directory. The regional functional testers check the hearing loops and report changes to us, as well as new hearing loops. The exact measurements of the reception quality and room plans are provided by measurement technicians from pro audito switzerland (standard IEC EN SN 60118-4).