Chat with a doctor, buy health products, visit a hospital and get a lab check up with Halodoc! We have the most complete digital healthcare service in Indonesia, and we are ready to help you stay healthy! Download Halodoc now! Let’s be healthy together! Here’s everything you can do with Halodoc. ✓ CHAT WITH A DOCTORDo you have unanswered health related questions and need trustworthy health information? Chat directly with our general practitioners and specialists, anytime anywhere. ✓ BUY FROM HEALTH STOREFind and buy products for your healthcare needs, including vitamins, skin care and more in Halodoc. Delivered straight to your door steps with guaranteed privacy, as all products are sealed in our secure packaging. ✓ VISIT A HOSPITALFind and book a doctor for face to face consultation at our partner hospitals using Halodoc. Avoid long lines and administration queue, as you are guaranteed a specific consultation slot with Halodoc. ✓ GET A LAB TESTHalodoc provide lab home services for you, including swab, rapid, and antigen test. Results will be delivered directly to your Halodoc application!✓ LINK YOUR INSURANCEYou can now link your health insurance and add your family members to maximize the benefits covered by your insurance. Protect yourself and your family with Halodoc.Love this app? Leave us a review and help us improve!If you have a question regarding this app, kindly reach out to us at
[email protected]’s your fasting this week?Hope it turns out great and keep up the good spirit!Halodoc is here to fulfill your health needs and those of your family 24/7. Consult a doctor, buy medicines, or register for vaccines on app.What’s new:* Bidan teleconsultation - Find a bidan near you and get assistance in pregnancy, immunizations, and family planning.Update and try it yourself! Have feedback or want to share an idea? Drop us an email at
[email protected].