"StopSmoking" - Your Essential Healthcare App for Quitting Smokingâ Check Your Progress in Real-TimeMonitor changes in your health, track the money youâve saved by quitting, and see how much youâve extended your lifespan, all in real-time.â Boost Your Success Rate by Keeping a Quit JournalRecord detailed information in your quit journal. Track the aids you used, your smoking habits, and any days you slipped up, making it easier to stay on track.â Stay Motivated with a Variety of NotificationsReceive motivational reminders, health updates, and journaling prompts at regular intervals to keep you focused and committed to quitting smoking.â Easily Track Your Quit Days with WidgetsUse our free widget to effortlessly check the number of days since you quit smoking, right from your home screen.â Review Your Progress and Stay Smoke-FreeCheck weekly and monthly statistics on the money youâve saved, the number of cigarettes avoided, and more. Fill in the green boxes as you progress and stay smoke-free.[For Inquiries]E-Mail:
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