HOW IT WORKS⢠Add notifications using criteria like speed, price in Gwei and alert time⢠Receive notifications when your criteria matchesFEATURES⢠Current recommendations for Gas Prices in Gwei⢠Adding, editing and deleting notifications⢠Receiving push notifications when price matches your target⢠Displaying the current price of ETH and information about the block minedNOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS?Some manufacturers prefer battery life over proper functionality of apps and thus restrict background activities. If you have issues with receiving notifications, please visit Dont kill my app! and follow the instructions for your manufacturerTECHNICAL INFORMATIONCurrently, background tasks (which send push notifications if criteria matches) are setup to be run every 5 minutes. This is done in order to preserve battery life and provide better user experience.If you have any support-related inquiries or feedback, please contact the developer.The app screenshots were created with Previewed