This watch face was inspired by my favorite car - my Nissan GTR. The background is a clean crisp 3D looking carbon fiber weave pattern with a GT-R logo embossed in the weave and set to the center of the watch. Iinspired by the pattern of the red LEDs taillights, I created hourly and minute tick marks to circle the watch face. The clock hour and minute hands are simple white.Additional useful information on the screen is the date in Month, Day and Date notation, as well as the battery % charge of the watch. These are displayed in the same red color as the taillights.The goal is to display everything needed on the screen without taking up too much room or displaying any additional unnecessary details.The watch face is a simple install and does not offer any customization options in this version. In Ambient mode, to save power the second hand disappears and the color of the white hands is changed to slightly grey to prevent screen burn in. In Mute mode the everything is greyed out slightly to save power.Overall the watch face is designed for owners and fans to have a little reminder of the car when away from it.