NEW VERSION AVAILABLE NOW!Have you ever fallen asleep on the bus, train or metro and passed your stop?. This problem now has the perfect solution with Ultimate GPS Alarm.Select a location, ringtone, vibration and distance and sleep without worry. When your location selected is near you, the alarm will sound avoiding you to miss the stop.And you will ask me, does it drain my battery?.You can say NO. Its design and advanced implementation allows you to save every volt of your smartphone. It works with GPS but also with Network, selecting the best location on each moment. If you dont move it does not consume your battery checking your position.To use network location you might accept Googles policy on:System settings -> location -> Google Location (this menus could change between devices)The only use made by the program on users data consumption is made when managing maps, so dont worry about it so much.Try it and youll be satisfied with its excellent performance.Ill be glad if you comment and contribute to this application with new ideas that I will implement as soon as posible.For any question or suggestion thats my e-mail:
[email protected]:- English- SpanishTested devices:- Nexus 4- HTC Desire S- HTC Wildfire S- Samsung Galaxy NoteTested versions:- Jelly Bean 4.1/4.2.1/4.2.2/4.3- Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0- GingerbreadPermissions:-android.permission.INTERNETAllows the application getting maps through the service provided by Google Maps.-android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION-android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATIONAllows the application obtaining your location to carry out the purpose of the application.-android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEThis was added because of the backup and restore functionality.-android.permission.VIBRATEAllows you to activate the vibration function when alarms sound. Its independent of your profile settings.-android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETEDLaunches the application when booting the device when the user selects it. Default is the piracy on this application checking if its a legal copy downloaded from Google Play.-android.Settings.Secure.ANDROID_IDAllows additional security checks related to the license. Do not worry, I dont take personal details, I guarantee all your information remains privately.NOTE: This application has been developed by Javier de Pedro López (Feantury), please, be legal with its use and do not hack it with the purpose of make it free, its just 1€.Version 4.0.7:- Bug fixes- Android 4.4 KitKat support.Version 4.0:- Complete redesign.- New options.- Flexible user interface.- Application core rewritten.- Android new version support.- Better performance on GPS.- Better battery consumption.- Easier notification system.- New menus.- Map update to new version with easier UI.- Lots of bugs solved.- Support for new features.