CARTRACKER is a simple and pleasant application that allows you to dynamically interact with vehicles or assets that have the CARTRACKER service active. For the proper use of this application it is necessary to have an Android operating system version 4.1, 1.4 HZ processor, minimum memory of 1GB, screen from 4.8 inchesWhy use CARTRACKER?• You are in control: it allows you to locate your vehicle and/or assets in real time at all times and from anywhere with 3G coverage from your Smartphone.• Live tracking: view the route your vehicle takes on the different types of maps.• No cost: There is no additional cost for the service.• Opening insurance: You can open the vehicles insurance from your mobile device.• Push Notifications: You will be able to receive the alerts generated by your vehicle as push notifications directly on your Smartphone.• Blocking/Unblocking: You will be able to block the engine of your vehicle so that nobody can turn it on and prevent theft.• Manage your account: you can update your data, change and recover your password from your Smartphone.• Reports: obtain reports on the route of your vehicle with an interval of up to 12 hours.We have many more reasons to use CARTRACKER, enter and let the application guide you step by step.