iBus_公路客運 at Google Play market analyse
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Never had to wait more than 10 minutes again.
請加入三重客運945 946 935等路線
Very amazing. Especially useful in rural areas. We used this extensively in FenChiHu, Shizhuo and Alishan. Without this app, we would've missed the last bus or miss a stop to our mnisu and had to go camping instead. Every tourists who take public buses will find this useful. I am one of them right now in Alishan. Wish there is one like this in every city/country in the world. Also wish there is an English version.
数据不准确的问题在这里提意义不大,相信APP开发者也只是接受公路局的数据,功能上有两个建议(1)起讫站搜寻,建议改县级为乡镇市区级,比如设定新北,树林福隆的车都搜出来,没有意义(2)增加线路地图,比如某一路车有很多停站,点击其中一个就能跳转到地图看这站在哪里,再附以整条线路的走向,现在的停站列表,不是熟客根本搞不清楚各站在哪里,小站连google map也搜不到。建议参考百度地图,这个功能是新人搭公车最需要的,Google没有公车思维,也没做这个功能。 台湾一般公路客运已经很不方便了,资讯建设再不做好,搭的人就更少了,加油吧,