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Gordexola Zabaltzen at Google Play market analyse

App power index: 100 (based on ranks around App Stores today)
Price: 0 free
Current version: , last update: 6 months ago
First release : 01 Jan 1970
App size: Bytes
4.0 ( 0 ratings )

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> 2.2k
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~ $ 900
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Gordexola Zabaltzen app mugikorra da Gordexolako udalarekin harreman arinagoa eta errazagoa izan dadin.Aplikazio honen bidez udaletik berehalako informazioa jasotzeko aukera edukiko duzu: albisteak, abisuak, gertakariak edo gardentasun datuak eguneratzen diren bakoitzean.Gordexola Zabaltzen aplikazioari esker zure herria mantentzen lagun dezakezu intzidentziak edo egin daitezkeen hobekuntzak udalari helaraziz. Argazkiak, deskripzioak eta mapan kokapenak bidal diezazkiokezu udalari eta honek konpontzeko baliabide guztiak erabiliko ditu, eta intzidentziaren inguruko unean uneko informazioa bidaliko dizu.Gordexola Zabaltzen Udala Zabaltzen Gobernu Irekiaren platform in part da.=====Gordexola Zabaltzen is a mobile app to make communication with the Gordexola city council more fluid and simple.Through this application you will have the opportunity to receive information from your city council immediately: news, notices, events or transparency data every time they are updated.Thanks to Gordexola Zabaltzen, in addition, you can contribute to the maintenance of your municipality by reporting incidents or possible improvements you find. You can include photos, description and location on the map, which the city council will receive and provide the means to solve, informing you of the status of the incident on time.Gordexola Zabaltzen is part of the Udala Zabaltzen Open Government platform.