Calculate your points of any food you want based on the nutritional information per 100g/ml. You have the possibility to save your foods in a list so you do not have to start each time entering the nutritional values from the beginning. By simply clicking on the foods in the list, you can immediately calculate your points for your chosen serving. If you ever made an incorrect entry or the nutritional values of the food have changed you can easily modify your foods. You can also delete foods from the list. By entering information such as weight, height and so it is possible to show your current BMI value. A traffic light status shows you the BMI status. Click on the BMI button and you will get information about the traffic light phases. You can also save your ration of points per day thus you have them always in your eyes.This application is not affiliated with Weight Watchers International, or Weight Watchers (Germany) GmbH.As often requested, you can now enter points for a food directly into the diary without knowing the nutritional information.PREVIEW THE NEXT UPDATE: The remaining daily items can be seen on the main page. They are updated with each entry in the diary, so you can keep an eye on your current daily points on the main page.