Based on the Factor MX Blockchain, the GIPMXCoin free mining system compensates for the shortcomings of the existing blockchain in terms of speed, scalability, and security to announce that it is a next-generation coin that boasts faster speed, wider scalability, and stronger security. By introducing the free mining app of GIPMXCoin, the mainnet of Blockchain, we present a technology-intensive system of Factor MX Blockchain.By joining as a member of the GIPMXCoin free mining system, you can mine GIPMXCoin for free, and each member recommended by your own recommendation will be mined 0.5 times more. Each individuals wealth will increase.The Factor M-X Blockchain technology team is conducting research and development of many ecosystem industries and platforms to use GIPMXCoin, and it will be a boost to the value of GIPMXCoin.Factor M-X Blockchain is highly scalable, which will help developers to utilize the ecosystem industry, and will be able to save developers time and a lot of money when connected and used as a Factor M-X Blockchain DApp.Factor MX block chain block generation is a decentralized node system that creates new blocks per second, and the seed node selects speed-priority based on speed priority. As it expands, it will be optimized and the speed will gradually increase.Although the blockchain is said to be safe from hacking because it is designed in a distributed storage proof-of-work (POW) method, the concentration of miners in the proof-of-work (POW) mining method can be a disadvantage. By adding the master node method to the chain and mining together, it maintains the distributed proof-of-work (POW) method of the node and is designed to perform a secure node. The Factor MX Blockchain technology team asserts that it can guarantee the highest level of security for the present as well as the future.The Factor M-X Blockchain hash structure is an independent integrated algorithm, a mining COIN that runs a software stack, and an integrated blockchain with a secp256r1 key.Before GIPCoin, in which these technologies are integrated, was introduced to the market, it was made to be easily accessible to general users as a free mining system app.