SIRC, una aplicaci贸n sencilla de utilizar para el recaudo de cartera (pagos), adicionalmente permite llamar a sus clientes y estar en contacto :3, agregar notasEsta dise帽ada para brindar ayuda a su negocio Esta aplicaci贸n es un complemento del Sistema SIRC para PC que esta dise帽ada para los recaudo la cual concede la posibilidad de llevar un control de sus carteras y clientes, y esta App como complemento para el trabajador podr谩 realizar su labor desde su m贸vil ( Android) lo que le permitir谩 no cargar con la tarjetera ================nuevas funciones===============================* AVISO SOBRE VENCIMIENTO DE LICENCIA* LA HERRAMIENTA NOTA AHORA TIENE COLOR PARA CADA TARJETA* YA NO SE PERMITE UN MONTO INFERIOR A LAS CUOTAS* CORRECCIONES DE CONEXI脫N EN LA VERSI脫N 1O DE ANDORID* MODIFICACI脫N EN OBTENCI脫N DE C脫DIGO DEL M脫VIL.=============================================================Caracter铆sticas principales - Opci贸n de poder llamar a sus clientes desde la App- Hist贸rico de pagos- Ver recaudo del d铆a- Funci贸n sin conexi贸n a Internet - Crear clientes ( requiere conexi贸n) - Funci贸n de exportar cartera- Agregar Notas a las tarjetas- Organizar la carteraSIRC, an easy-to-use application for portfolio collection (payments), additionally allows you to call your clients and stay in touch: 3, add notesIt is designed to help your businessThis application is a complement to the SIRC System for PC that is designed for the collection which grants the possibility of keeping track of their portfolios and clients, and this App as a complement for the worker will be able to carry out their work from their mobile (Android) whatever which will allow you not to carry the card================ New Features ===============================* LICENSE EXPIRATION NOTICE* THE TOOL NOTE NOW HAS COLOR FOR EACH CARD* NO LESS THAN QUOTAS AMOUNT ALLOWED* CONNECTION CORRECTIONS IN ANDORID VERSION 1* MODIFICATION IN OBTAINING THE MOBILE CODE.=================================================== ===========Main features- Option to call your clients from the App- Payment history- See collection of the day- Function without internet connection- Create clients (requires connection)- Export portfolio function- Add Notes to cards- Organize the portfolio