Geotrafo can be used for coordinate transformation of various systems in the European area.Supported coordinate systems:WGS84,UTM worldwide,MGRS(UTMREF),DHDN,Gauss-Krüger 2-5(DHDN),Gauss-Krüger(DHDN-Nord,DHDN-Mitte,DHDN-Süd),GK 3-5(S42/83),MGI,Gauss-Krueger M28-M34,LAMB-AUT,BMN[AUT],CH1903,LV03-M & C,CH1903+,LV95,KROVAK,S-JTSK,KROVAK(SK),S-JTSK(SK),NTF incl. Zone I,II,IIE,III,IV and Carto-Variants, RGF93, LAMB93, CC42-CC50,LUREF,LUREF-TM,BD72,LAMB72,LB08,RIJKSDRIEHOEKS,RD(EPSG_28991),AMERSFOORT,OSGB36(-TM),GB-ED50(-TM),IRELAND65(-TM),ITM,ES-ED50(-TM+3/-3/-9),ZNW-ED50(-TM),BAL-ED50(-TM),GIBR-ED50(-TM),D73(-TM),DLX(-TM),DLB(-TM),PT-TM06,NGO1948(-O),NGO-GK1-8,RT90(-7.5,5,2.5,0 gon V/O),SWEREF99(12_00 to 23_15),KKJ(-Uniform),KKJ-Zone 0-5,ETRS-TM35FIN,ETRS-GK19-31 FIN,DK-ED50(-TM32/33),DKTM1-4,KP2000 J/S/P,ROMA40-West/Ost(Gauss-Boaga),ED50-UTM32 to 36,ED 50,GREEK,GGRS87,MGI1901-Zone 5-7,MGI1901,D48/GK,D48,D96/TM,HDKS-Zone 5&6,HDKS,HTRS96-TM,HTRS EOV,HD72,S42(ANCPI)-Stereo70,Dealul Piscului 70&30-Stereo33,Stereo33,S42/58-Zone_I to V,S42/58-PL,EUREF89-Zone5 to 8,EUREF92-CS92,Baltic93-TM,EST92-LB,LKS94-TM,LKS92-TM,Pulkovo42(EST)-Zone34&35,Pulkovo42-Est,Pulkovo42,GK-zone 7-64 (3°),GK-zone 4-32 (6°),CM-Variante 21E-168W,Pulkovo95,GK-zone 7-64 (3°),GK-zone 4-32 (6°),CM-Variante 21E-168W,UTM 30N-35N,ED50-UTM 28-36,ETRS89-LCC,ETRS89-LAEA,WebMercator- Coordinate transformation (Helmert transformation)- Show GPS coordinates in input (upper) fields - Number of receiving satellites (fixed/all)- Data of the recieved satellites as a list or graphically including PDOP, the expected accuracy, etc.- Saving of output points in the logfile- Compass for locating points and distance calculation- Show various maps with the output coordinate- Using of offline maps in OpenStreetMaps format- User defined parameter for the helmert-(datum-)transformation- Convert degree-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees- Import/Export GPX files - Import/Export ASCII files- Import/Export Shape filesInput forms: decimal degrees, degrees-decimal minutesor degrees-minutes-seconds in geographical systems.Output is in decimal degrees or in degrees-minutes-seconds(if GMS box is checked).Alternatively also output in degree-decimal minutes with selected DM checkbox(after longclick on the DMS this will be DM).In addition, possibility for saving the result coordinates into the log file.This happens always by pressing the convert button (if "Log" - box is checked).These points can be re-imported into the input or output fields.Or alternatively creating the logfile.txt extern on a computer and copy this file to device memory.Autoconvert for instant conversion when changing the system or with active GPS.Preselect of the countries (for reduced Items in System-selection)10 languages, selectable in the app(English,Deutsch,Français,Español,Čeština,Magyarul,Româneste,Hrvatski,Bosanski,Русский)Integrating the current GPS coordinates and write them into the (upper) input field (= always WGS84).In combination with logging You can record a track in the choosed output coordinate system.Determining the distance/azimut between the input and output coordinates(regardless of the selected coordinate system) and display on a compass. Use of GPS-Signal or orientation sensor (if exists).Calculation of the distances in x-/y- direction in various Unities,possibility of choice of a map-unity KEH (= Map scale).If GPS is active, values are continously updated.Displaying single points on various maps,with using one of the installed browserapps via internet.Displaying one or all points from the logfile on the offline map(with or without mapdata).Required permissions: Location and Storage(for using GPS and creating/saving the Logfile)More information can be found on the website.( Show the loaded Offline-Maps (zip-Files) in the optionmask -> Button "OSM Offline"BugFixes:- Crash with GPS On/Off (errormsg 2019-01-15)- Crash with missing OSM directory (errormsg 2019-01-05)