History of St. Gaspar Church:St. Gaspar del Bufalo, the Italian Priest and Founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood (CPPS) was interested to visit India and set the community of CPPS. Since he could not make it up, one of his followers from the congregation came as a missionary Priest by the name Fr. Joseph Montenegro. cpps to India. He began to establish the vision of the founder by having a small rented house at Koramangala in Bangalore, South India. As the establishment of the communities erected so also the St. Gaspar Ashram, the Seminarians’ Theologate study house was built. Simultaneously been built the chapel of St. Gaspar. In the early period the mass was been celebrated for the faithful along with the seminarians in the underground chapel. As the big chapel came to the shape then started to have masses over there as a mass center. At that moment in the year 2010 there were about 75 families settled in around Kithiganur and Medahalli. As the request was placed before the Bangalore Archbishop Rev. Dr. Bernard Mores, he showed interest to develop the faith of the people. He allowed to erect as a fully pledged Catholic Parish Church in the month of October 2010. After having the declaration of the Archbishop the territory / boundary was fixed for the parish and the religious activities begun like daily masses and on Sundays began with two masses. 1st mass in English at 7.00 am and followed by Kannada at 8.30 am. Rev. Fr. C. Panneer Selvam cpps was appointed as the 1st Parish Priest along with Rev. Fr. David Raju Matta cpps as the Assistant Parish Priest. The parish was developed with various activities like forming of the Parish Pastoral Council, the youth group by the active participation and the choir along with seminarians. In the year 2012 the 2nd Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Antony Albert took charge on the transfer of Fr. Panneer Selvam to Our Lady Mother of the Church, Sadras Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu. Rev. Fr. Remi Jose cpps was appointed as Assistant Parish Priest. He showed special interest in developing the choir and liturgy. In the following year Rev. Fr. Chakaravarthi cpps took charge as Assistant Parish Priest and served very actively in developing the youth . Fr. Albert cpps has taken much effort in developing the church in its necessary structure and items. The church Bell, Grottos of St. Joseph and Mother Mary covered with the beautiful flower garden and etc. In the church he decorated with large curtains according to the seasons like Advent Ordinary and Feasts to be covered as background of the both St. Gaspar and Mother Mary statues. In his time the Parish Annual Feast was introduced and celebrated very grandly . At the end of his term of 5 years he also purchased a new Yamaha Keyboard for the choir and a projector for the songs to be displayed. He also took necessary steps to bring about the different language masses like Tamil, Malayalam to be added during the Sunday celebrations. In the Year 2017 July, Fr. Albert was transferred and Rev. Fr. G J Rosario cpps was appointed as 3rd Parish Priest and Rev. Fr. Bala Yesu cpps as Assistant Parish Priest. Followed by the transfer of Fr. Bala Yesu for his higher study Masters in psychology, Rev. Fr. Suran Arockia Samy cpps took charge as Assistant Parish Priest in the Year 2018 July. The History continues ………… Compiled by M. A. George. LLB, Advocate