Experience a journey faster than the speed of light across the universe! You will view many sorts of different galaxies as you ride through the cosmos. This Live wallpaper is also a music visualizer, which syncs with your favorite music from any player. You can choose between 16 different galaxies! You can also choose the amount of galaxies and the distance between them. You can choose the brightness and size of the galaxies. Battery saving functionality is available.Turn on "music visualization" on the settings to enable the music visualizer. Increase how fast you travel by touching the upper part of the screen. Decrease how fast you travel by touching the upper part of the screen.HOW TO OPEN:Menu>Wallpaper>LIVE wallpapers>Intergalactic journeyNew types of galaxies are discovered in distant parts of the universe. You can already explore how these look like in this scifi fx live wallpaper. A discovery of a new type of galaxy will maybe change astronomy as we know it.