With fragab you create a poll in seconds and spread it to friends, collegues or chat-groups to schedule an event or a meeting, find common dates, receive opinions or being part of a hidden survey.So for example you can create a participants list for a party, a poker evening or for a soccer training session, where the participants can insert themselves quickly and easily - even without having the fragab App!Instead of messing around with long chat-histories or searching within dozens of emails for answers or feedback, with fragab is planning and scheduling easy and quick! Just create a poll and share the link via WhatsApp, Facebook, email or SMS.Fast feedback is guaranteed!CREATE A POLL ...- to know whom of your friends will come to the planned Event (Party, Meeting etc.)- to find the best date for all- to create list of participants for any kind of events where anybody can insert themself- to create hidden surveys- to organize or distribute tasks for an event (who is taking care of what)- to vote for the next location of the upcoming team tour... and much more! With the under-the-hood power of fragab, there are infinitive combinations possible.GREAT FEATURES- Create a poll in seconds!- See all polls you ever visited, created or participated on in one overview.- Add individual dates, times, text or locations to a poll.- Choose participants directly from your addressbook.- With push updates you are always informed about changes done within the polls- Create hidden polls where only you can see the vote results.- Add options which can be taken only once per poll. Thus, you guarantee not to have 20 barbeques but yet one bottle of beer for your street festival!- Close polls with or without a final result and inform participants about the results automatically.- User can participate on a poll also without having the App by simply using the mobile responsive fragab website. They even dont have to register for it!IT IS SO EASY!Did you ever started a group chat? Thats how it also works in fragab:- Add a short title and optionally a description.- Depending on what you want to poll, add individual dates, times or locations as options, or simply add free text, which should be chosen by the participants (or skip the options part for a simple Yes/No poll).Enjoy the fast feedback you will get.Test it, it works in seconds!QUESTIONS? FEEDBACK?We are happy to receive your feedback, ideas or critic. We want to make fragab perfect for you. Get in touch with us via
[email protected] and share your ideas - so we can improve fragab even faster. Thank you!YOUR PRIVACYWe take privacy seriously, yet we transfer data encrypted and ask you always for permissions we need. Youll find our privacy policy on http://fragab.com/info/privacyThank you for using Fragab! This release includes stability and performance improvements. Let us know what you think. Please send your feedback and ideas to
[email protected]