〇7日で完了!まとまった学習コンテンツ〇よくある質問と多機能用語集であなたの学習を徹底サポート!〇これさえ勉強すれば副業でFXが可能!【サルFXはこんな人にオススメ☆】・副業としてFXを始めたい・どこからFXの勉強をすればいいかわからない・FXを勉強してみたけどよくわからなかった・とにかくFXのことをもっと理解したい・通勤など隙間時間を自己投資に使いたい方・本業だけじゃ不安!副業もしたい【アプリの特徴】●マンガで解説!カンタンらくらくFX文字だけじゃわかりにくい、そんな難しいイメージを持たれやすいFX。そんな初心者の方のために、3分で読めるFXマンガを搭載しました!いつでも読めるから復習にも最適です。●分かりやすい学習記事FXの知識を楽しく正しく学びたい、、、そんな初心者の方の期待にお応えしました!初心者が取引開始するまでの必要事項を、イラスト付きでわかりやすく説明!7日間で完了するプログラムになっており、決められたスケジュールに従って効率よく勉強できます!●FX用語集300語以上のFX用語をカンタン解説!学習の進み度合いによって分類できる単語帳機能付き!検索機能で自分のわからない単語を一発で見つけられる!●よくある質問初心者や取引を始めたての人が気になることもまとめて見られます!FX学習を始めたばかりのFX一年生の方は必見です!●FX会社比較初心者やFX学びたての方にとっておすすめの会社を紹介しています!難しい用語で比較するのではなく、初心者の目線に立ってオススメのFX会社を紹介します!【要するにどんなアプリ?】サルでもわかるFXは、「FXってなに?」という人から、「FXをもっと知りたい」という人までFXの基本を無理なく学習できるアプリです。為替の相場や、そもそもFXって何なのか、株とFXの違いとは?のような基本的な疑問も、当アプリで自然と学習できます。また、基本的な内容だけではなく、FXでの注文方法や負けない為に絶対にした方が良いことなどの実践的な知識も、しっかりと身に着けられますサルFXのアプリを利用して頂き、少しでもみなさんのFXライフが豊かになることを願っております!○ Completed in 7 days! Integrated learning contentサ ポ ー ト Support your learning thoroughly with frequently asked questions and multifunctional glossaries!FX If you study even this, it is possible to FX in the sideline![Ape FX is recommended for such a person ☆]・ I want to start FX as a sideline・ I do not know where to study forex・ I studied FX but did not understand well・ I just want to understand more about FX・ If you want to use the gap time such as commuting for self investment-Im uneasy just with my main work! I also want to do side work【Features of the app】-Commentary in manga! Easy easy FXIt is an FX that is difficult to understand only by characters and easy to have such a difficult image.For such beginners, it was equipped with FX manga that can be read in 3 minutes!You can always read it, so its perfect for reviewing.● Easy-to-understand study articlesI want to enjoy the knowledge of FX fun and correctly ,,,I met the expectations of such beginners!Explain the necessary matters until the beginners start trading, with illustrations in an easy-to-understand manner!The program is completed in 7 days, and you can study efficiently according to a fixed schedule!● FX glossaryEasy commentary of over 300 FX terms!Word book function that can be classified according to the degree of learning progress!You can find words you do not know in a single shot with the search function!● Frequently asked questionsYou can also see the beginners and people who have just started trading anxious!For FX first graders who just started FX learning is a must see!● Forex company comparisonWe introduce recommended companies for beginners and those who just learned FX!Instead of comparing in difficult terms, we will introduce you to a forex company that you recommend from the perspective of a beginner!【In short, what kind of app? ]From the person who says "What is FX?"It is an application that allows people who want to know more about FX to learn the basics of FX without difficulty.What is the difference in exchange rates, what is FX in the first place, and the difference between stock and FX? Basic questions like can be learned naturally with this app.In addition to basic content, practical knowledge such as how to order in FX and things that should definitely be done in order not to lose can also be acquired firmlyWe hope that you will use the Monkey FX app and your FX life will be a little more rich!