We have made føtex Plus for you, so you can save both time and money when you shop at føtex. føtex Plus gives you tailor-made prices and benefits, so you can get even more out of føtex.1. Sharp prices with føtex Plus ("føtex Plus price" and "Personal coupons")føtex Plus is about you and what you like. We give you sharp prices on your favorite items.2. Refreshment guarantee and receipt overview ("Receipts")Have you come home with a food or drink that is not 100% fresh?Use your app, send us a picture and get your money back. Easy and quick.3. føtex avisen ("Offer newspaper")Read the newspaper from føtex. You can also easily add items to your shopping list by clicking on the products in the newspaper.4. A shopping list you always have with you ("Shopping list")Quickly and easily add items to the shopping list. You can share the shopping list with family and friends, so you are sure to always come home with it all.5. Check the price ("Check the price")It is easy to check the price of items in the store. Use the scanner in the føtex Plus app to scan the items barcode and find out the price of the item.As part of your membership, we collect and process, among other things. your purchase data and how to use the app to make føtex Plus as relevant as possible for you. You can read more about the privacy policy at føtex.dk / plus