-- Product introductionCharacter "Kei Kurei"(Japanese high school girl) of "the programming live broadcasting" (Japanese "Programing NAMA-HOUSOU", for short "PRO-NAMA").You can move her in a favorite pose.Please enjoy "Pro-NAMA CHAN" only for you.Choose movable bone, and move a pose with a axis slide button.You can operate even one hand if used.Screen center part for horizontal rotate / movement / extended / reduction.** Because it becomes hard to use it when I mix a vertical turn, it is taken off. (it functions if I hit on good UI, and do I add it)When you turn it to the vertical direction, you choose anchor Bone among Bone menu (It look like the ground) and turn it.-- Preset pose : Default pose + 11 kinds-- Preset hand pose : 5 poses of hand-- Expression : 5 kinds-- Bone menu : 21 joints + AnchorHead, Neck, Chest, Abs, HipShoulder, Upper Arm, Forearm, HandThigh, Leg, Foot, Tiptoe* Hip is the center of the model. Anchr is ground. A whole body of "Pro-NAMA CHAN" turns when you move hip or anchor.-- ResetReturn a camera (rotary / movement / extended / reduction) to the initial position.Return the left leg, the right leg, the left arm, the right arm to the default pose each.** The lite version cannot use the following functions.-- Save-- Edit mode (Expression, Hand pose)-- Change costume-- Photographand others...-- License, instructions*These contents developed and shown under "Pro-NAMA CHAN" guideline.http://pronama.azurewebsites.net/pronama/guideline/*I use the voice of "Kei Kurei" with consent (licensed number: 28).I prohibit the extraction of the voice and the secondary use such as processing it, and showing it.When you download this application, I consider that you consented to this.When you do not consent, please do not download this application.*These contents developed and shown under "UNITY-CHAN LICENSE".http://unity-chan.com/download/license.html-- OthersThere is no indication of the advertisement entirely.