Start your business and increase your earnings! Manage your vehicle fleet and rent your car(s) to 99 partner drivers safely and conveniently! With 99Loc, you can earn up to R$340 extra per month for each vehicle rented, in addition to the rental amount. Limited time benefit, hurry to enjoy!99Loc is for everyone! Whether you are a rental company with a fleet of thousands of vehicles, or someone who wants to start renting their own car for extra income. 99Loc offers advantages and tools for fleet management both for individuals looking for extra income through vehicle rental or fleet owners looking for more earnings!Learn about the main advantages of 99Loc:Automatic receipt: Your rent is paid while partner driver 99 performs races!Extra earning: We have more than 750,000 partner drivers waiting for your offers!Qualified partner drivers: All our partner drivers are verified!Innovative fleet management tool: 99Loc helps you manage your rental in a practical and safe way!Security: At 99Loc you can track the location of your vehicle in real time and other information from the partner driver who rented your car.Seal 99 of quality: And of course, you have the support of 99 in your car rental and the seal of safety and quality!99Loc offers excellent conditions within the platform, such as: Online receipt of rent amounts; Extra Gain; Qualified partner drivers; Safety and quality seal 99!Manage your business!Set vehicle rental deadlines (weekly, biweekly, etc.), track financial transactions per driver and much more.Increase your car rental earningsInstead of your vehicles remaining stationary, they will be circulating around the city making your business grow even more.With 99Loc you can manage your car fleet rental in a more practical and safer way. Heres how to be a 99Loc fleet owner:Register your fleetAfter having your registration approved at 99Loc, you just need to add the vehicles in your fleet. There is no minimum or maximum amount. To register a vehicle for rent you will need the vehicle document up to date.Find partner driversAdvertise your vehicles and find the best driver for you and your profile! At 99, all partner drivers are validated with: criminal record, CNH, behavior on the platform and facial recognition.To find a partner driver is very simple:Go to the “Drivers” tab and click on “Find drivers”.Choose a driver and get in touch via call or chat within the 99Loc App itself.When reaching an agreement, send the invitation and ask the driver to accept.After the driver accepts your invitation, you can enjoy all the advantages of 99Loc fleet management, for example, receive the rental amount while the driver performs races using the app.Already rent your car to a driver partner 99? Add it to 99Loc.Once your vehicle(s) is(are) registered, you can add partner drivers by clicking on the “drivers” menu If you dont know partner drivers, dont worry! At 99Loc, registered drivers will have access to their vehicle(s) and you will also be able to find drivers and make contact through the application itself.With 99Loc you can manage your car fleet in a more practical and safer way. Find partner drivers already registered and verified on the 99 platform and manage your fleet financially with complete autonomy.Increase your earnings by renting your vehicle or fleet through 99Loc and start earning more now. Sign up now!*At the moment, the service is only available for the Belo Horizonte/MG region.