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TFC Train Timetables at Google Play market analyse
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O aplicaţie foarte rapidă și foarte utilă. Merită cu siguranță instalată! O folosesc mereu când plec la drum și în rarele cazuri când au existat probleme cu aplicaţia s-a intervenit foarte prompt. Mulţumesc!
nu merge baaa nene, caut buzau, ploiesti - ramnicu valcea = nimic si eroare la cautare rute
It's a start, however many of the features such as live departures and delays, and most of all online ticketing, are not yet functional or are very clumsy. Most of all, many more trains are needed on these routes, if this private Railway Company is going to progress. Romania has great potential for rail transport, and there is a large gap to be filled. If given the chance, Romanians will gladly leave their cars home and travel more safely, comfortably, and environmentally-consciously, by train!