Map-based location service using public dataCheck the information of daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools near our house at a glance on the map and check the information!1. You can retrieve information from daycare centers (daycare portal), kindergartens (kindergarten notice), elementary, middle and high schools (school notice), search all educational institutions nationwide, and check public information at a glance.2. Map service and find educational institutions near meThrough the map, it is possible to search for daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary, middle and high schools, academies, etc. nationwide, and easily search and query information around my location through GPS (positioning system).3. Search all educational institutions nationwideSearch and check educational institutions that meet the conditions (number of people, distance, etc.)#daycare,#kindergarten,#elementary school,#middle school,#high school, #academy, #finding directions, #map