Finance is an application that allows you to track your income and expenditure. It works in a similar manner to PC Finance applications that were not allowed to mention here! The goal of Finance is to enable quick and easy transaction entry with clear screens and, hopefully, intuitive options.Read more about Finance in the user manual here the free version first. You can get a feel for the application and they share the same data file, so can move from free to paid easily. ====The paid version is similar to the free version but has no adverts and some extra features, shown below with a + symbol:- Manage Accounts- Manage Payees- Manage Categories- Manage Transactions- Search Transactions+ Create Scheduled Transactions (free limited to just 5)- Charts with dynamic effects- Email facility for charts so that they can be printed from the PC browser.- Enhanced layout for tablet devices.- AUTO-FILL when entering transactions.+ Account reconciliation+ QIF import+ Quick entry transaction widget for the Home Screen.- Backup your Finance Data to Google Drive secure cloud storageAuto-fill populates your transaction with the details of a similar transaction, thus leaving you to enter just the date and amount. It works by looking at your transaction history and will get better as you enter more transactions. By default, auto-fill works with payees, but can also work with categories or accounts!If you have previously installed the free version, then you can safely uninstall it as it is *not* required for the paid version to work. You will not lose any data if you uninstall the applications.===QIF ImportThis is a work in progress. QIF is NOT a standard, its an ad hoc file format initially created by Quicken and implemented in various ways by others. Since we do not have access to all the possible combinations of QIF formats in use, there may be issues when importing QIF. If you have such a problem, just drop us an email and well work with you to read your QIF format.===Google Drive backup may not work for all devices. You may need to install Google Play services so that your account can be authenticated with Google. Please email us with any problems.====CHARTS AND OS2.x. The charts are HTML based and used Scalable Vector Graphics. This is natively supported in OS3+ OS2.x users need to use an external browser to see the charts. We recommend Opera Mobile which can be downloaded for free from the market here also that OS2.x users will need a network connection to download the required Javascript libraries.====PERMISSIONSNETWORK permission so that it can backup to Google Drive.====PROBLEMS, CRASHES and REQUESTSWe cant fix problems or implement features if you only leave a review comment. Please email us with the details and we will respond promptly. In most cases, we can fix problems very quickly, so its worth sending an
[email protected]+ Library refreshv2.3.0+ Selecting a category shows top suggestions based on payee and vice versa.v2.2.4+ Fix backup connectivity issues+ Fix missing amount when editingv2.2.2+ Add calendar icons to increment/decrement date with one touch.+ Fixed chart tooltips when using a browser+ Various bug and UI fixesv2.2.1+ UI Enhancements+ Bug fixesFull details on Google Plus