TUTORIALS LIST:01. Yarn Types02. Yarn weights03. crochet hook04. Hook size table05. Holding your hook06. Holding your yarn07. Crochet for Left-Handers08. UK-US Terminology09. Making Slipknot10. Making Yarn Over11. Drawing up Loop12. Making Foundation Chain13. Working the Chain14. Working into subsequent rows15. Double Crochet16. treble crochet17. half treble crochet18. Double Treble Crochet19. Turning Chain20. Slip Stitch21. Identifying and Counting stitches22. Fixing Mistakes23. Fastening Off24. Basic Edging25. Weaving in Ends26. Changing Colors27. Reading Charted Stitch Diagram28. Increasing29. Decreasing30. Starting in the round31. Working in the Round32. Standard Increase33. Invisible finish34. Spray Blocking35. Steam blocking36. Wet blocking37. Blocking lace38. Slip Stitch39. Flat slip-stitched seam40. Shells Fans and V Stitches41. Spike Stitches42. Crossed stitches43. Post Stitches44. Chainless foundation stitches45. Linked stitches46. Cluster stitch47. Puff stitch48. popcorn stitch49. Solid Square50. Circle in Square51. Granny square52. Granny triangle53. Flower Motif54. Fringe technique55. Reverse double crochet56. Picot edging57. Stitch Pattern GalleryAPPLICATION FEATURES- Small Size Application- Fast Loading- Easy to use- User friendly interfaceDISCLAIMERThe content in this app is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by any company. All copyright and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. The images in this application are collected from around the web, if we are in breach of copyright, please let us know and it will be removed as soon as possible.This app is not affiliated nor related with any of the content displayed within the app. The content used are publicly available from various website which retains all copyrights, and thus the app is not to be held responsible for any of the content displayed within.