QuƩbec en tous lettres is a contemporary festival, presenting a multifaceted literature that is intimately linked to multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity. A flagship event in QuƩbec City, a UNESCO city of literature, this unmissable event in literary life is a festive, friendly and unifying moment.Its programming is built around three main components: performances and shows, most of which are new; meetings of authors and round tables allowing rich and constructive reflections and exchanges on works and approaches; installations and live art in the public space.The festival aims in particular to introduce and love literature to as many people as possible; to do this, it is deployed in part in the public space, offers cultural mediation activities, promotes citizen participation and promotes close proximity between writers, artists and the public. QuƩbec en tous lettres develops each year a program representative of the literary and cultural vitality of QuƩbec, QuƩbec and Canada, without forgetting an international presence.