O aplicativo da Fenacon ā FederaĆ§Ć£o Nacional das Empresas de ServiƧos ContĆ”beis e das Empresas de Assessoramento, PerĆcias, InformaƧƵes e Pesquisas ā traz todas as revistas publicadas pela entidade, a Agenda PolĆtica e Legislativa 2016 e integra a ferramenta de acompanhamento legislativo em tempo real, que permite que o usuĆ”rio acompanhe a tramitaĆ§Ć£o de projetos de lei relativos Ć s causas tributĆ”rias, trabalhistas, sindicais e afins.The application of Fenacon - National Federation of Accounting Firms and Consulting Business, Skills, Information and Research - brings all the journals published by the entity, the policy agenda and Law 2016 and is part of the legislative tracking tool in real time, which It allows the user to track the processing of bills related to tax reasons, labor unions and the like.