More than 100 benefits at your fingertipsMy FDM is for you who are a member of FDM. Here you can easily and quickly get an overview of all your benefits, your consumption and your membership. With the smart map function, everything is at hand and easy to find when you need to plan or are out driving. And BenefitsYou get an overview of the more than 100 special benefits that you have access to thanks to your FDM membership. Right from technical / legal advice and strong discounts on eg repairs, car inspections and car washes. For cheap tickets for great experiences with the family in eg amusement parks and special prices on rental of holiday homes, holiday trips, car rental and much more. On the front page of the app, you can link your Visa / Dankort or Visa card to FDM benefits, so you can get a discount from our benefit partners. Once you have linked your card, your discounts are automatically paid on your payment card when you shop with our benefit partners.AndYou will find links in the app so you can easily order and buy, and there is also a smart card function, so you can quickly find both the nearest mechanic with benefit prices and the best experience that can make everyone in the family happy. ConsumptionYou will also find an overview of selected membership benefits you have used. You can quickly see how much you have saved and when you have earned the price of your FDM membership back home. AndAndMembershipIn the app you also get a good overview of your membership and the specific benefits associated with your particular membership. You can also see which vehicles you have roadside assistance for.AndLoginTo log in to the app, you must use your FDM member login. If you have not already created a login, you can create one on the login page. You must use the email address associated with your membership. There can only be one login per membership. This means that everyone in the household who is associated with the membership can download the app, but must use the same login.AndFDM works for the membersFDM is constantly working to give our members the best benefits and to promote a good life with the car with more consideration for the environment, better infrastructure and better consumer safety. My FDM is a way to give members an overview and even easier access to all the benefits we offer and have negotiated at home for our members.