Family GPS Locator lets you stay connected with the people who matter most. Familo is a "find my phone" app you can use with your family and kids.- Real-time family locator on a map- Know when family members arrive or leave - Panic button for emergency location sharing- Communicate in a private family chat- Low battery consumption- Very easy to use for kids and parents- Each user decides who can see their location- Familo can be used anonymously360 DEGREE VIEW OF YOUR FAMILYS SAFETYYou choose when and for how long you want to share your location with familyINTELLIGENT PLACESAutomatic notifications when kids arrive at and leave their daily placesPANIC BUTTONSends parents the childs current location so they can offer help fastCHECK-INShare your location with your familyMULTIPLE GROUPSCreate individual groups for your family membersCHATSend messages and images with your family membersYOUR FEEDBACK MATTERSWe welcome your ideas for improvement. Simply use the “Send Feedback” button in the menu of the App or send us an Email:
[email protected] function properly Familonet needs access to:Camera / Photos - Send photos and create your profile pictureMicrophone - Send voice messages to your group membersContacts - Invite your group members to FamiloLocation - To share your location with your group membersNotifications - Automatic notifications when users arrive at a locationBackground refresh - Update your location even when the app is not openMobile data - Send messages, photos, and your location to group membersFamilo Family Locator has been exclusively designed for parental and family monitoring.Terms of Use: Policy: note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.Update for improved location sharing and a fresh new look! Send us your thoughts and questions at
[email protected]