Anti-theft And Battery AlarmSecure your device and protect your privacy, keep your phone safe from thefts with our anti theft Android app.Phone guard and lock watch app made for phone security and watch your lock screen.Dont Touch My Phone & Battery AlarmsMain Features1. Make front camera photo (intruder selfie photo) when wrong unlock password entered or optionally on successful unlock, save GPS location and audio recording with ability to save to your Google drive disk. 2. Detailed history of failed phone unlock attempts (wrong password entered, alarmed or regular unlock). Full snapshot image with zoom and pan. You can enable monitoring regular unlock and/or failed unlock. Application can save user activity ( what appications are opened) after regular unlock3. Charger removed alarm4. Headphones removed alarm5. Motion detect alarm - phone touch alarm6. Phone removed from pocket alarm - pick pocket alarm7. Battery below specified level alarm - battery empty alarm8. Battery above specified level alarm - battery fully changed alarm9. Button for single click application uninstallationAll data collected (images, audio recordings, gps location and app usage stats) are securely saved in local database (in device protected storage) and never leaves your phone. While application is running persistent notification is shown.All alarms will be turned off automatically after successful unlock. You can hide notification and make application completly invisible (stealth mode). Take selfie photo of someone entered wrong unlock password, PIN or pattern so called intruder selfie/hidden snapshot. Application can take selfie on every successful unlock if that option is enabled and track usage activity (opened applications with precise time). Collected data are saved locally in secure db storage and never transfered to third parties.Record audio clip, get precise location, track user activity after unlock and remember locally and save all to your Google Drive. You can find stolen phone by saved GPS location. You can change image quality and camera heatup time (to avoid front camera black images). Images can be saved in phone Gallery.Application can start on boot (very early). After Internet connection is successfully established all pictures and audio recordings taken offline will be uploaded to your Google drive disk if that option is enabled.You can hide notification with single click option.Application also includes baterry fully charged alarms and battery empty alarm with user specified charge levels, removed from charger alarm, shake/motion alarm and removed from pocket alarm. You can set sensitivity level and detection speed for alarm sensors, volume level, grace period time and choose between system or app included melodies - sound alerts.!!! In order for alarms to work in every situation (after device go to sleep mode), whitelist application in battery saver (power manager, App Launch ...).Alarm volume level cannot be changed on lock screen (while alarm is running) with side volume up and down buttons. After successful unlock alarm will turn off.Application work in Direct boot mode (after reboot/restart without password entered)You can watch battery voltage and temperature.Unistall button for easy, single click uninstall.What you can do with Dont Touch My Phone & Battery Alarms:• Make intruder selfie.• Secure your phone with our app. • Secure your device with Dont Touch My Phone & Battery Alarms• Phone guard app that can watch for Lock Watch.• Battery watch app.• Alert you when battery is fully charged or when battery is empty and alarm you. • Make Lock selfie photo.• Thief Catcher app.• Capture intruder selfie with Dont Touch My Phone & Battery Alarms • Keep phone safe from thefts.• Jealous partner catch and find applications opened/used.• Recover and find stolen phone with GPS location Icon by: juicy_fish