Stay connected with the construction site and always take your home with you!From today it is easy to follow the progress of the work step by step: thanks to the Facile Ristrutturare APP you can do it anywhere and at any time directly from your smartphone! It will be a pleasure to accompany you in the creation of your new home!This App will give you the opportunity to fully experience the entire renovation experience with Facile Ristrutturare: from the start of the construction site to the delivery of the keys. Transparency, clarity and simplicity in accessing information are the three key points of this application: always stay connected and aligned with the status of the works!You will be able to view:ā¢ Times updated in real timeā¢ Estimates and projectsā¢ documents referring to the construction siteā¢ Photo gallery of the progress of the worksā¢ Site log and SALā¢ Payment statusā¢ All useful contacts to stay connected with the FR StaffThe first step to entering your dream home starts here.Download the APP!