Simple calculator for everyone made by Introducing “Fin” Financial mode. Ideal for accountants, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, housewives, students and just about everyone who needs a simple calculator which is easy to use and also keeps track of history, to go back to. It is simple, intuitive, works with fewer key strokes, see answers as you type which in turn saves clicks and time. FeaturesFeatures• Basic calculator with portrait and landscape view for Phone and Tablet.• See history tape when turned landscape view without touching anything.• History tape viewable with a touch on left top corner (history icon) and close it by touching on the SAME spot (on the calculator icon).• Several FREE themes to choose from.• Memory buttons for doing several calculations.• Big buttons and big digits make it easy to read, touch and use.• Sound feature is also available – turn it on or off.• We have combined “+” and “=” buttons into one making it easy for you to press (the right bottom corner) either plus or equal to buttons without looking for either button.• You could also email or text the history tape info to save it for future reference.• By clicking on “Fin”, (“F” appears on left top corner) the display mode changes to Financial Calculations – so you don’t have to press the decimal every time you enter a number.• Pressing “Fin” again takes you out of financial calculator mode. This save a lot of keystrokes when performing financial calculations.• To correct an error the back-space button is safely and conveniently located on lower left without obstructing other numbers or function keys.• Purchase to remove ads.• Other apps coming such as EZ-Mortgage Calculator and EZ-Tips Calculator.• We also have “Restore Purchase” feature for anyone who deleted the app and wants to restore the app.