我們為您網羅 PTT、社群網站、爆料公社、網路專欄、娛樂新聞、聲林之王、幕後花絮新聞、獨家劇照新聞、追星族新聞….等頻道。內含各類型新聞:影音、地方、寵物、遊戲、達人、美食、國際、體育、影劇新聞、聲林之王…等旗艦版《ETtoday新聞雲》的功能與特色編輯精選:打破制式化看新聞的模式,給您最想要、最熱門的新鮮事。新聞推播:重要新聞即時推播,必知大事不會漏。聲林之王2:台灣史上製作費最高的選秀節目,蕭敬騰、林宥嘉聯手出擊。會員中心:關心新聞大事也能同時累積東森幣兌換超值好禮。寵物會員:東森寵物雲門市交易、明細、點數等詳盡記錄,以及優惠資訊不漏接。直觀介面:瀏覽頁面精簡化,用最簡單的操作方式,看遍所有分類及單則新聞。編輯精選:打破制式化看新聞的模式,給您最想要、最熱門的新鮮事。字體大小:字體大小任您調整,給眼睛最舒服的閱讀體驗。留言分享:看完新聞想要說句話,只要點一下就可以透過社群網站暢所欲言。影音鑑賞:精選各大類型影音,看文字之餘也能透過生動影片了解時事。統一發票:QR碼連續掃描對獎,也可輸入末三碼對獎喔!每期都會自動更新對獎資訊,趕快來去試試看。關於《ETtoday新聞雲》ETtoday 東森新媒體控股股份有限公司 發行,24小時即時新聞 Breaking News,最新 LIVE 影音新聞直播。鄉民最愛頻道,播吧BOBA,星光雲娛樂新聞、鍵盤大檸檬都在這。《ETtoday新聞雲》於2011年11月1日開站,擁有19個不同性質的臉書粉絲團進行分眾經營,宗旨為「樂在分享,愛上雲端」,以社群互動為主,整合新聞、資訊、知識和娛樂的訊息平台,創立三年來不但在Alexa台灣區網站排名第6,流量更是屢創佳績。合作媒體:聯合各家媒體內容:新聞:新華社、鳳凰網、東森新聞、中天新聞、BBC、中央社…等。網站:騰訊微博、新浪微博、百度hao123、北京新浪、抽屜新熱榜、ifit愛瘦身、APP01、妞新聞、美忍者..等雜誌:商業周刊、天下雜誌、Vogue、ELLE、今周刊、財訊雙週刊、國家地理雜誌、Smart智富、GQ雜誌、美麗佳人、高校誌、好房雜誌、遠見雜誌、先探投資週刊、珠寶世界、bella儂儂、媽媽寶寶、NOVA情報誌、Cheers雜誌、理財周刊歡迎網友爆料投訴:
[email protected] collect PTT, social networking sites, breaking news communes, Internet columns, entertainment news, king of the forest, behind-the-scenes news, exclusive stills news, star chasers news... and other channels for you.Contains various types of news:Audiovisual, local, pets, games, talents, food, international, sports, movie news, the king of the forest... etc.The functions and features of the flagship "ETtoday News Cloud"Editors Choice: Breaking the standardized mode of watching news, giving you the most desired and hottest new things.News push: push important news in real time, you must know that big events will not be missed.The King of Shenglin 2: The most expensive talent show in Taiwans history, Xiao Jingteng and Lin Youjia joined forces.Member Center: If you care about news and events, you can also accumulate Dongsen currency exchange gifts.Pet members: Dongsen Pet Cloud Store has a detailed record of transactions, details, points, etc., as well as preferential information.Intuitive interface: The browsing page is simplified and the simplest operation method is used to read all categories and single news.Editors Choice: Breaking the standardized mode of watching news, giving you the most desired and hottest new things.Font size: You can adjust the font size to give your eyes the most comfortable reading experience.Comment sharing: After reading the news, if you want to say something, you can speak freely through the social networking site with just one click.Audiovisual Appreciation: Select all major types of audiovisual, and you can learn about current affairs through vivid videos while watching text.Unified Invoice: Continuous scanning of QR code to match prizes, you can also enter the last three codes to match prizes! The prize matching information will be automatically updated every issue, so hurry up and have a try.About "ETtoday News Cloud"ETtoday Dongsen New Media Holdings Co., Ltd. issued, 24-hour real-time news Breaking News, the latest LIVE video and audio news live broadcast. The favorite channel of the villagers, BOBA, Xingguangyun Entertainment News, and the keyboard Big Lemon are all here."ETtoday News Cloud" was launched on November 1, 2011. It has 19 Facebook fan groups of different natures for crowd management, with the aim of "sharing, falling in love with the cloud", focusing on social interaction and integrating news The information platform of, information, knowledge and entertainment has not only ranked No. 6 on the Alexa Taiwan site in the three years since its establishment, but the traffic has also achieved great results.Cooperative media:Joint media content:news:Xinhua News Agency, Phoenix News, Dongsen News, Zhongtian News, BBC, Central News Agency...etc.website:Tencent Weibo, Sina Weibo, Baidu hao123, Beijing Sina, Drawer New Hot List, ifit loves to lose weight, APP01, Niu News, Ninja... etc.magazine:Business Weekly, Common Wealth Magazine, Vogue, ELLE, Today Weekly, Financial News Bi-weekly, National Geographic Magazine, Smart Zhifu, GQ Magazine, Beautiful Lady, College Journal, Haofang Magazine, Vision Magazine, Prospective Investment Weekly, Jewelry World, Bella Nong Nong, Mommy Baby, NOVA News Magazine, Cheers Magazine, Money WeeklyNetizens are welcome to report complaints:
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