All the news of the Archdiocesan Church of Barcelona in a single click.The Sunday Sheet of the Archdiocese of Barcelona is the oldest in Catalonia. Born in 1891, this 2021 celebrates its 130th anniversary and, therefore, it has opted to take a step forward, updating it and adapting it to the digital environment.This modernization will allow the incorporation of new materials such as videos, photographs, audios, as well as the news and information that have given personality to the historic archdiocesan publication.The Sunday Sheet has become, over the years, a reference publication for ecclesial, historical and social information on an archdiocese as large as Barcelona.The Archdiocesan Church of Barcelona offers you all the diocesan news through this application. The Sunday Sheet offers news, interviews, opinion articles related to the Archdiocese of Barcelona. In this application, you will find content about Cardinal Juan José Omella and the auxiliary bishops, Bishop Sergi Gordo, Bishop Antoni Vadell and Bishop Javier Vilanova. If you want to find out about the news of the Pilgrim Church in Barcelona, this is your application.You can contact us by sending an email to:
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