The only application that allows you to watch in real time the trial of Laurent Gbagbo and Charles Ble Goude being held at the International Criminal Court (ICC) Haye (Netherlands).Dont miss any trial videos with the YouTube playlist of IntlCriminalCourt, Africa24, Rti Bengue, AnonymforGbagbo, RTI Officiel ...You also have the "Titrologie" (The title of Ivorian newspapers) and the latest news on the trial.According to the ICCs information sheet, the charges are:Laurent Gbagbo is accused of having engaged his individual criminal responsibility for four counts of crimes against humanity, in Abidjan, CĂ´te dIvoire, jointly with members of his inner circle and through members of the pro-Gbagbo forces (article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute) or, in the alternative, for ordering soliciting and inducing the commission of these crimes (article 25(3)(b) of the Rome Statute) or, in the alternative, for contributing in any other way to the commission of these crimes (article 25(3)(d) of the Rome Statute): ⢠murder, ⢠rape, ⢠other inhumane acts or â in the alternative â attempted murder, ⢠and persecution. These crimes were allegedly committed between 16 and 19 December 2010 during and after a pro-Ouattara march on the RTI headquarters, on 3 March 2011 at a womenâs demonstration in Abobo, on 17 March 2011 by shelling a densely populated area in Abobo, and on or around 12 April 2011 in Yopougon. Charles BlĂŠ GoudĂŠ is accused of having engaged his individual criminal responsibility for committing four counts of crimes against humanity in Abidjan, CĂ´te dIvoire, between 16 December 2010 and on or around 12 April 2011, alternatively, as indirect co-perpetrator (under article 25(3)(a)), ordering, soliciting or inducing (25(3)(b)), aiding, abetting or otherwise assisting (25(3)(c)) or contributing in any other way to the commission of these crimes (25(3)(d) of the Rome Statute): ⢠murder, ⢠rape, ⢠other inhumane acts or â in the alternative â attempted murder, ⢠and persecution. Composition of Trial Chamber I :Judge Cuno Tarfusser, Presiding Judge Judge Olga Herrera-Carbuccia Judge Geoffrey A. Henderson Representation of the Office of the Prosecutor :Fatou Bensouda, Prosecutor James Stewart, Deputy Prosecutor Eric Macdonald, Senior Trial Lawyer Defence Counsel for Laurent Gbagbo:Emmanuel Altit Agathe Bahi Baroan Natasha Fauveau Ivanovic Defence Counsel for Charles BlĂŠ GoudĂŠ:Geert-Jan Alexander Knoops Claver Nâdry Legal Representatives of the Victims:Paolina Massidda, Principal Counsel- Fixed the issue of archive video playback without image on some smartphones;- Added Titrologie (Title of Ivorian newspapers);- Added a compilation of the latest new about the trial (beta);- Source code optimization .Thanks!